Monday 6 May 2019

The Forbidden Tower Part 1

One day a girl named Dakota and her  friend Payton were walking and they came upon a Tower and they were intrigued it was very Dark and they were wondering what was inside but first they had to walk up a huge hill  but payton said No i don't want to go up there but dakota said come on stop being a scaredy Cat so Payton went with her on there way up there Payton was Terrified Suddenly a hawk Came out of now where and tried to attack Dakota and Payton but they avoided it and ran away back down the hill and Payton said i told you we shouldn't have gone !!!!

Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another  half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like  to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think they will try to summon up the courage to go back and explore, maybe something magical will draw them up to it. I look forward to hearing what happens next.
    When you are writing you really do need to think of your punctuation. It is great that you are using capitals for names, but you need to add in full stops when ideas change and commas when you are giving more information e.g. ... and they came upon a tower. They were intrigued. It was dark and mysterious, but they wondered what was inside.
    Keep working on it, then your writing will flow better and you will be able to add in more detail and description more easily.
