I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Summer Learning Journey
The task was to interview three friends and ask them what they are most proud of. It could be something that they, or someone in their family, have accomplished. I found it on the site http://www.summerlearningjourney.co.nz and I scrolled under the activity 2. I learnt what my friends are most proud of.I would make this presentation a bit more not plain if I had more time.
The Day in the Life of A Iron Nail
Dear Diary, iron Nail here. Today I arrived in New Zealand after a long voyage across the Pacific Ocean on the Endeavour, which was led by the great Captain Cook. After a while, when we got settled, I heard little children playing outside the great ship and I heard men having a karakia outside on the sand. All the warriors travelled from the island to the great ship, the Endeavour. They have been given a lot of items including me and my family. We, the iron nails, have been traded for food and we were soon taken off the ship and heading to a new, strange land. Suddenly, the trading went wrong when they were exchanging the iron nails for a dog cloak. The maori people jumped off the great ship, dropped into their waka and paddled away to the shore they ran as fast as they could, trying to escape the dreadful sound ringing in their ears. I don’t know my fate, but know we will be put to good use some day.
A Few weeks ago but i am really late on this But we have been focusing on Tuia 250 and we have a all these cards and everyone in our class got one and we had to write about it and i got a Iron Nail
So i hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Summer Learning Journey Activitys
Monday, 14 October 2019
Sleepover With Payt,Tunisia
On Friday The Last day of Term 3 Me and Tunsia were Making Plans about what we could do in the holidays and we thought what about we go and stay the night at someones and Tunsia had just moved into a new house so we just said so were coming to your house tomorrow and she said yay so the next morning rolled around and it was a Saturday and i rang up tunisia and said ill be there at 10 and i ened up getting there at bang on 10 as soon as i pulled up i ran inside and said Hey we had breakfast and then went up to her room and played on our phones and talked the day went by so fast and we went back down stairs and went and watched river dale from the beginning and then ran payton and said you should come over oi so she went and asked her dad and lucky he said Yes we were so happy and next minutes she was there we were so happy and the we walked inside talked ate some pizza and lollies and went back up to tunsias room and talked about 2 hours later we had dinner its tasted so good then we went back up stairs played some games and then watched IT it was pretty creepy .. after that we went to sleep and woke up the next morning and payton had to go to Netball training me and tunsia had breakfast and about 6 hours later we caught a ride with tunsias aunty to Kawakawa and went to paytons house and stayed the night and went back to our own houses the next morning
Monday, 2 September 2019
A Balancing Act
One day a man named Charlie was walking past A very old Ratilling building that looked like it was going to fall down so he went and took a look when he got to the top a very odd man was standing at the top of the building on a tight rope Charile look at him and the man looked back when the man looked back he lost his balance and was about to fall charile was very frightened that the man was going to fall so even though this would be the most frighting thing that he would ever do in his life and the bravest thing he went to stand on the rope but fell down so he tried again ......
Friday, 30 August 2019
Weekly 3 Week 6
Today we Did Weekly 3 in Class and all you have to do is a site called prototech and you basically just do maths the same we also do another program called number of the day and also E ako a moari site and it all really easy but we have to do it anyway so yea
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Arctic Journey
one Day a man named Tomas was walking around in a new Town hew was looking all over the place and while he was walking down a Ally and saw dogs trying to find something to eat but the couldn't so Tomas ran as fast as he could to a near by bakery and got 5 whole loafs of bread and ran back to the dogs and ave it to them but they where still hungry so they went to Tomas new house and as soon as Tomas took them back there was homes ready for all of them and as soon as they fell asleep and woke up Tomas gave them food and made them his own one day Tomas and the dogs where called out to help someone on the snow and they got him and just a matter of time when they got back they were freezing so they sat infront of there fire
Friday, 23 August 2019
Then vs Now Video / Grandparents Day
On Wednesday and Thursday me and my Friends have been making a video About then vs now and compering what they used to do after school what technology they had to compere what we have now and what we use and our videos is very funny and really cool you wont see me in this video because i dont really act in this because i dont like acting that much compered to my friends Jacque and Tunisia so yea i hope you guys enjoy Bye
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Bees Writting
Why do your think bees are important and why do we need bees ? Globally there are more honey bees then other types of bees and pollination insects so it’s the most important pollenation because they help us with all the plants and trees so that we have air to breath or we could die because we would have no oxygen so that’s two of the biggest reasons why we need bees .
Why bees are important and why we need them?
We need bees for food crops. It’s estimated that one third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination, mainly by bees, but also from other insects like birds and bats. Bees are perfectly adapted to pollinate helping plants grow to so we have oxygen to breathe. Did you know that bees grew hair on their bodies to help carry pollen from plant to plant so that the plants get bigger and when the plant get bigger the bees get the pollen off those plants and spread it on all the other plants so they grow bigger .
What’s happening to bees ?
if your see a bee, help it and make sure it survives and don't let it die because we need bees for the world or we will have no flowers or trees, and without trees we have no oxygen. Did you know that there's something even smaller than a bee called a varroa mite that attaches to the bee and will suck the blood out of a bee and then the bees die because there is not that much blood in a bee compared to us, like when a flea bites us .us. Bees are also starving because humans kill the plants that bees like such as gorse which is a problem plant.
Why do bees matter to you?
Here are a few of the best reasons why bees matter and why they matter to everyone else. Number 1 Did you know a queen bee can lay 2,000 eggs a day and lives 2-5 years and that’s why their is so much honey in the world .
This is what’s happening in the world everyday there are so many bees in the world but it does mean that they do not matter. Make sure if your see a bee, don’t kill it and let it live so we can as well. Without flowers and especially without trees there would be no oxygen and without oxygen we can’t breathe.
By Tahlya
Friday, 16 August 2019
Orentation Day at Bay Of Islands Collage
Orentation Day at Bay Of Islands Collage
on Wensday we went to Orentation Day at the Bay of islands Collage so at the begining of the day when Totara in the Marae and it was the same as what we do at KKPS and it was cool because then my school and the other schools and we went to a few classes like Sience and aslo wood work but i forgot the other 2 so sorry but altogether it was very fun and i cant wait to go there next year BYE!!!
on Wensday we went to Orentation Day at the Bay of islands Collage so at the begining of the day when Totara in the Marae and it was the same as what we do at KKPS and it was cool because then my school and the other schools and we went to a few classes like Sience and aslo wood work but i forgot the other 2 so sorry but altogether it was very fun and i cant wait to go there next year BYE!!!
Monday, 12 August 2019
Miracle In They Sky
On Day a Girl named Erika was walking home in the rain with her Mum and it was pouring Down with rain it was very unatural because the past few days had been fulled with sunshine and they didn't know why today was a stormy day even the weather reporter reported that it would be sunny but it wasn't well Erika and her mum where walking home Erika saw a Whale in the sky she told her mum but her mum didn't believe he so she kept telling her mum and her mum finally looked up and Saw it .......
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
First Encounter
Hi Everyone Its Tahlya again and this is my Sratch Project that i did at waitangi and its about First encounters and how the Moari Saw the British People Coming to New Zealand or Atearoa and even though it really bad lol But this is what i made Bye
First Encounter Popplet
Hi Everyone This week and last week we have been focusing on our First encounter and also our Speaches which i will be posting later on and this just involves and the other one you will see when youy watch it it was made by Me ,Payton and Dakota and they will be posting it to so that is Bye .
1200 - 1300
1200 - 1300
Maori arrive in New Zealand
Abel Tasman
Captain Cook
Monday, 1 July 2019
Te Reo Lessons With Whaea Whetu
Last Week we have been doing Moari with Whaea Whetu on Tuesday Afternoons and for the first one we Did our Family and Us and for the second one we did a made up character and i choose Patrick and this it basically it BYE!!!
First Encounters Writting
Captain James Cook 
Do you know who James Cook is? James Cook is sensond British man who came and discovered New Zealand. He was a Navigator and also a Voyager. He charted New Zealand also known as Aotearoa on August 1769 and arrived in New Zealand on October 6 1769
Childhood and Family
Captain James Cook was born in Marton in Cleveland Yorkshire England on October 27 1728 and lived in Britain. When he was born, he wasn’t born into a rich family but instead he was born into a poor family. so when he was younger he didn’t have much .
When james cook was born and while he was growing up he had 6 siblings 2 brothers and 4 Sister the 2 brothers names where John and William and his sisters names were Mary, Jane, Margret, Cristiana but James was the second oldest his mother and father's name was Grace Pace and James Cook was named after his father James Cook
What they did with their time in New Zealand
James cook navigated around New Zealand and the pacfic ocean and he was the second man to have sighted New Zealand on the 6 of october 1769 and landed at Poverty Bay two days later. He drew detailed and accurate maps of the country, and wrote about the Māori people. His first encounter with Māori was not successful – a fight broke out in which some Māori were killed
Last Voyage
James Cook's third and final voyage on 12 of july 1774-6 October 1780 and took the route from Plymouth via Cape Town and Tenerife to New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands, along the North American coast to the Bering Strait.
James Cook died on February 14 1779 at the age of 50 he was a master voyager and also master navigator also navigating to New Zealand also known as Aotearoa. James Cook didn't have a very long life with voyaging and doing navagting everywhere. James cook was killed by men in Hawaii on February 14 1779 Captain James Cook, the great English explorer and navigator, is murdered by natives of Hawaii during his third visit to the Pacific island group. Cook and his crew were welcomed by the Hawaiians, who were fascinated by the Europeans' ships and their use of iron. So they welcomed them in and killed them straight away to have their
boat all to them self
This week and last week we have been focusing on first encounters and my one was about James Cook and his first encounter this writing was really easy i hope you guys enjoy my writting that ive been doing.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Creature From The Deep
One day while a lady named Marissa got out of bed and was getting ready to leave for work at a new ferm and today was her first day so she told herself to be confident so she walked out of the door with a smile on her face while she was driving she noticed something coming out of the water it had very long legs...
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Rocket Science
This week and for the last 8 weeks we have been having a guy named troy coming into our class and talk to us about rockets and what it take to launch a rocket and all that we only have 2 weeks left to have troy coming into our class and i cant wait till we have a really good rocket bye till next time
Weekly 3 Week 8
This week for math we did weekly 3 but i didn't know what to do so i just did it and were suppose to do it on Friday but oh well i hope you like it
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Why Should Young Kids Have to Go To War
Last week and for the past 3 weeks we have been focusing on our writing and our topic was about ANZAC and this was Mine
Why should young kids have to go to war
How Would your feel to be told from when your were little if your that your going to the war when your got older? How would your feel to know that there’s a war going on around you and you’re not getting to live your life at a young age and having to kill people to win the war for your country? How would that make your feel?
I strongly believe teenagers should not have gone to war. Firstly, young People don’t know how to fight and could get killed straight away. Secondly, they are too young to go and should be living their lives and spending more time with their family. Finally, young people did not know what to expect and it could damage their mental health.
Firstly, young people don't know how to fight and could get killed straight away. Do you know how to fight? What would happen if you got injured or hurt? How horrible would that be, even having to hurt people or kill someone? That would make you feel horrible! If you don’t know how to fight in a war and if you didn't get training you could get killed straight away or injured. It would be very painful or you could die too. What if they didn’t know how to fight or even defend themselves? So when someone tried to hurt them or kill them what would they do? Over 4000 men and women who went to war were teenagers. what training do you think they got? Very little!
Secondly, they are to young to go and should be living their lives and spending more time with their family. How would you feel to have to go to war when you're young and not be able to live your life even though you're young? When you turned 16 you had to go to war, often forced to like a man.Mahuta was forced to go to war, he didn’t have a choice. He was told to go to war or be sent to jail. It was not fair, I know I would like to live my life before I went to the war instead of going to war as soon as I turn 16. How would that make your feel? Would you like to spend the time with your family rather than fighting in a war? And if they didn’t need to go they would be told to go to jail and would stay their or if they got taken to jail straight away and not have a another chance to do anything .
Finally, young people did not know what to expect and it damaged their mental health. Do your think they would have wanted to go to war to see all the dead bodies and have to kill people and all of those horrible things? How would that make you feel to do that? Most men thought that going to war was going to be a awesome experience. You got to travel the world and go to different places. But, it’s really not that glorified. Many soldiers ended up with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and could not deal with everything they saw and did. And even after the war was over, when the men and women were back home, they would still be terrified and scarred by what they saw in the war.
Would you have like to have gone to war? I am strongly against teenagers going to war! Young people don't know how to fight and could get killed straight away. They are too young to go and should be living their lives and spending more time with their family, and young people did not know what to expect and it damaged their mental health.
By Tahlya
Monday, 10 June 2019
Around The World
One day a girl named Ashley was walking home after School on her walk back she saw a bright floating in the air it was colorful and very big and you could see it from any distance so she ran towards it while she was running it got closer and closer and closer until she relised it was the way home and it was in her backyard so she keept running until it was very close and she was at her house it was very suspicious so she quietly walked around the corner and saw .....
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
My Scatch Prodject BaseBall
Last Week on Monday we did our scratch projects with People from waitangi treaty grounds and this is what i did hope you like it Bye
Thursday, 30 May 2019
ANZAC and The War
We are learning to find information from a variety of resources and find the connections and differences between them.
What was New Zealand’s involvement in the war?
In WW1 a lot of soldiers had to spend seven months at training camp before going overseas to be a successful add to fight in war.
New zealand helped with tons of things in the War and was half of the army in the anzac war and that's why the army is called Australia New Zealand Army Corps
They Made a group called the Nz Explanatorily Force With Pakeha and Maori but they had to do it within 4 days
What happened after the war?
Freda the dog was the mascots of the this war battle. Every mascots from different countries were not allowed to bring back things to New Zealand after war because of quarantine rules. So one of the soldiers tried to bring back mascots bye hiding them under their clothes or in their luggage but do not succeed at that.
They Built all of the Statues of the people and carved all the peoples names who went to the war and carved them into the trenches
It was very upsetting after the war because children lost their dad, women lost their husband. It was very hard for the soldiers to put the war behind them, some never did.
The war ended and the men went back home they were given a huge welcome with parties and parades all over the world.
What were conditions like?
Their conditions were ruff and not that stable for some of the places, and they also didn’t know if someone was gonna come and attack at night. Also to see their comrades die would have been devastating for them.
Hard, rough, tough,smelly,cold and also smokey.
It was really challenging because 50% will injured or killed so if your go to the War your might not come back home and could die on the battlefields
103,000 kiwis went to fight overseas
The conditions where really had for the men and woman who went off to the war having to see people dying and all that stuff to so the conditions we're really horrible
Who was involved in the war? What were their roles or jobs?
A mascots job is to represent a team or a group of people.
New zealand that why anzac stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corps
Soldiers fight at war for us.
Horses help them move around.
Government sent people to war.
Maui Pomare (Maori doctor, Maori medical officer, member of parliament and minister of health.
What else did you find interesting or you want to find out more information about.
Teenagers weren’t allowed to go to war but lied so they can go and fight in battle.
Only Half of the people would come back so maybe if your went your wouldn't come back homeour your would be very injured to get sent back home
war is a really horrible place to be at or even sign up for and even though your thing it’s cool or for honour for your family name and that but if your go your might not come back to your family after the war is over
1- New Zealand’s involvement in the war was tons of things in the war, half of the army in the anzac war was New Zealander and that's why the army is called Australia New Zealand Army Corps. If you wanted to go to war you had to do seven months of training camp for war to see if you can go overseas and be a successful add to the team.They made a group called the Nz Explanatorily Force with pakeha and maori but they had to do it within 4 days.
2- What happened after the war, after the war they go to comerarate the men and woman who have died in the war and lay poppies down on the statues that they build for the men and woman that have died in the war and when the statues get put up people go and carve their names in to them to remember the men and woman that have died for or county .
3- the conditions where very rough at the war and men and women had to lose their life’s to protect their family’s and also their countries and especially New Zealand and Australia that’s why the Anzac army is called Australia and New Zealand army Corps it's was very hard at war for the men who volunteered to go it was smelly ,stink,bad ,terrifying ,rough,cold and also Smokey because of all the bombs that had been fired at them while they fought .
4-who was involved in the war the main people who fort in the war was Australia and New Zealand and that’s what Anzac stands for Australia and New Zealand army corps they also had mascots to soldiers fought in the war and horses help the. Soldiers get to the places that they need to fight at doctors and also medical officers to so when men or woman got injured the medics that represent the Red Cross that helps the people who get injured At war and on the battlefields.
5-tenagers wanted to go to war but wouldn’t because that we're under age and no one that was under ages was allowed to go to war and that thought that it would bring their family honestly to if your went to war your might not come back to your family and friends after the war was over .
Last week we have Been learning about Anzac and that has been our recent topic and we had to read stories and get information from them and insert them into here and it was really easy so i hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Forced to Sign
This week and for a few of the last weeks we have been focusing on our Anzac Topic and we had to make a Prodect about Anzac with a Partner and my Partner was Payton And this is our Power Toon i hope you Enjoy
Friday, 24 May 2019
Weekly 3 Week 4 Term 2
This week for Maths We did our Weekly 3 where you go on different Sites that help you with Maths and ill put those Sites down the bottom for u to check out and i hope you enjoy Bye 👍👍😃
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Fraction Street 2👍👍
Yesterday we did fraction Streets and we had to draw our own and make questions too and i was fun ish but we gotto go sit outside too so that was nice too i hope you enjoy
Monday, 20 May 2019
Lets Leave Part 1

Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Monday, 13 May 2019
Term 2 Room 5 and 6 Assembly
Last week was or assembly for term 2 with room 5 and 6 it was a Amazing assembly and we only planned it in 3 days and everyone enjoyed it but the Best thing about our assembly was our Carpool Karaoke and the Bloopers came with it and it was so Funny :) :) And i hope that you guys in Enjoy it to So here it is I hope you enjoy 😊😊😊😊
Monday, 6 May 2019
The Forbidden Tower Part 1
One day a girl named Dakota and her friend Payton were walking and they came upon a Tower and they were intrigued it was very Dark and they were wondering what was inside but first they had to walk up a huge hill but payton said No i don't want to go up there but dakota said come on stop being a scaredy Cat so Payton went with her on there way up there Payton was Terrified Suddenly a hawk Came out of now where and tried to attack Dakota and Payton but they avoided it and ran away back down the hill and Payton said i told you we shouldn't have gone !!!!
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Monday, 29 April 2019
How did Maori Navigate Using The Stars
Hi everyone Im Back for the Second Blog Post of the Day And this Post is about How did Moari Navigate Using the Stars and this has Been our Topic for a while Now Since Term 1 and this is our Last week to do it and this is what i have done I hope you enjoy my Presentation That i made on a site Called glogster Bye till next time
How did Maori Navigate Using The Stars
My Holidays with My Cousins
This hoildays i had a amazing time on the last week of school holidays but the best thing about it was that i got to see my Four cousins named Zac,Steven,Beven,and Jason it was the First time i was seeing them in 11 years so the last time i saw them i saw only one and they live in perth We had a great time together the First thing Exciting that we went to was The stone store in kerikeri and took tons of awesome photos After we went there we Went to go and have a Delicious Breakfast and Dessert for Breakfast we all had different things i had A Eggs Benedict and For dessert we had Vanilla waffles and it was really Yum tooo i had a Amazing Last week of the holidays and im really going to miss all of my Cousins and hopefully see them all soon ❤❤❤\
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week is the Beginning of Term 2 So we had to write about or Favorite Part in the holidays and this was mine i hope you enjoy my Story and ill catch you Later Bye
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week is the Beginning of Term 2 So we had to write about or Favorite Part in the holidays and this was mine i hope you enjoy my Story and ill catch you Later Bye
Monday, 8 April 2019
The greatest Storm Part 4
The Fog would not Clear and Even More Wave Rushed onto the Boat it was like a giant ghost had Bordered the Ship Suddenly the Captain appeared And Shouted is Anyone Else alive Suddenly A another Voice Yelled out and Another But Suddenly there was No more There was only 3 Crew members alive and the Captain they Swam to each other and got on one of the life Boats that where still good But they where all To Tired from getting fit by all the waves and it was So Fogy to See with all the Waves Still hitting the Ship It was no use until they Saw another Ship in the Distance but they didnt see them
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
Are We There Yet All our Woman Sufferage Information Including Poems,Interviews,Cards
Hi Everyone Im Back for the Second Blog post of the Day and This one is About Our Woman Suffrage Topic This Topic is Including Our Poems about Invisible Woman And also our Woman's Interviews That we had to Find a Woman Close to us and Ask them a Few Questions And we Also Did Card that we Drew Pictures On and also Put those to I hope you enjoy Bye

Kawakawa Primary swimming sports 2019
hi everyone Im back and this Blog Post is about Our Swimming Sports we Went to at the BOIC In Kawakawa and it was a Really amazing Day the Places that i came were 5,5,4,3,2 and It was Really amazing i hope you enjoy Bye
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Room 5&6 Assembly
Last Week we had our Class assembly For Room 5 and 6 or Assembly was very emotional about Christchurch and All the things that happend in New Zealand And even thought our Assembly was very Sad this made us all happy so i hope it makes you happy to i hope you enjoy our great Dance Bye blog you later
Monday, 25 March 2019
The Great Storm Part 3
As Soon as the Captain Woke up after he heard the big Bang so he went to Wake up all of the Crew Members As soon as they Ran on Deck there was water ever were They had crashed in to a giant Ice Berg it had damaged all of the Front side of the ship all the Crew Members tried to stop the Water from coming on the Boat But it was no use the water Just Kept Entering the Boat But Suddenly the Boat started sinking there was as Much water on the Boat to fill up The Biggest Pool in the World But the Captain Remembered that he had tons of life Boats on The Deck Tucked away in Case of a Emergency The Crew helped to Blow up all of the Life Boats But Suddenly a giant Wave the Size of a City came over the Boat and all the Crew members Could not Be Seen thought all of the Fog that the Wave brung with it ??????
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Monday, 11 March 2019
The Great Storm Part 2
Today the Sailors Where going to do there second Test The Captain was going to Meet them at the Docks by the Time the Captain had gotten to The Docks the Crew had already gotten everything Ready the Captain was Very Surprised By what had happened when he Saw the Boat At the Docks So when he Bordered the Boat all the Crew went to meet him half a hour latter the Crew where already at sea But with No training It was amazing and The Captain went for a Nap When the Captain woke up 10 Minutes Latter To a Bang The Crew where all asleep to The Crew had hit another Ship so The Boat Was very Damaged and the Captain went to go and Wake up the rest of the Crew Memebers
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
Hi Everyone This Week like last Monday i am Writing a Story But this Week Thought i Would Switch it Up So this Week i am Only Writing Another half of My Story This Week I hope you enjoy this Weeks Writing If you Would Like to Try and guess whats going to happen For Weeks Writing You can Write it in the Comments Box Down Below Bye till next time everyone Bye !!!!
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