I am a student at Bay of Islands College in Kawakawa, New Zealand. This is a place where I share my learning.
Friday, 7 December 2018
2018 Reflection In Room 6
This is my 2018 Reflection in room 5 and Room 6 This has Been a Amazing Year And ive really enjoyed Working with everyone in Both Of Classes And Espeacialy My Teachers The easy thing was what i work done and the hard thing was Looking Back thorough out the whole year to find all the Information For it Because its Been a Awesome year with Both of the Classes Next step is to My Make it even Bigger and Better Bye till next time blog you later
Monday, 3 December 2018
Raft Making For our Raft Races

Wisteria Carrow
Monday, 26 November 2018
Friday, 23 November 2018
Buoyancy By Tunisia Tahlya and Payton
Hi Everyone This Blog Post is about My Buoyancy Inquiry that I did with my Friends Tunisia and Payton About what sinks and Floats The easy thing was Writting it because we already had tons of information The hard thing was nothing and i dont have a next step if you would like to See the people who helped me with it there Blog Address is http://kpspaytonm.blogspot.com/ and http://kpstunisiaw.blogspot.com/ so check there blogs out to Bye till next time
Monday, 19 November 2018
The Magic Library
One day When a Journalist Landed on a Plane One Evening Well she was getting her Bags she Overheard Two people talking about A Mystical Library So she went and Chatted With them About It So the next Day she was Determinant to Find the Mystical Library
Monday, 12 November 2018
Magic Biscuits
One day A man named Bob got home he got a Surprise When he Walked into his back Yard with his dogs Dinner he saw that his dogs where much bigger then they were when he left for work that Morning That he dropped the food and ran inside with shock and went for a sleep when he woke up he thought it was just a dream and it was
Friday, 2 November 2018
Room 5&6 Assembly
This Morning at 10 oclock we had our Class assembly Which was about Holllaween And when each Class has there Assembly you had 4 Items and WE Picked the Dance Rave in the grave amd Un Loco Poco and The grattest Song and Something Else and it was Really Fun to do with my Class Full of Years 6 7 And 8s and It was so Fun
Monday, 29 October 2018
One day a diver saw something strange some type of Creature So we Swam over to see what he had Discovered But then the Creature Disappeared So the Diver Followed were the Creature Swam and Suddenly When he swam though it felt like he was in a different world and in fact he was he had to make sure it was real so he swam back up to the Surface to Ask his other Diver To come with him to See if what he saw was real But when he tried to Find it again it had Vanished Before his Eyes So the next day ....
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Friday, 19 October 2018
Reading Bouyancy
Hi everyone Its Tahlya and this is my Second Blog Post for this week and its about Bouyancy i hope you guys enjoy Bye
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Spelling Term 4
This is my Spelling That we get every Monday and this weeks one was1. Find 20 words that have this spelling pattern in them. Put these words into alphabetical order.
2. Dictation
2. Dictation
I hope you guys injoy Blog you latter
One Day A man named Tomas Was Wondering what to do The next day when he got home from a hard days work he was Exhausted so he Went inside and fell asleep on the couch About a few hours after he woke up his fingers started Feeling strange like he could do strange things and he was very Curious so he picked up a wooden chair that he was ... When he picked it up he didn't have to because it was floating above him Suddenly all of the chairs in is house started floating Then he Realiesed What he could do with his new Powers he wondered if he could pick anything else up so he tried because he was very Curious what he could do so he tried and he was astonished he felt like he was the Luckiest man alive and it turned out he was
The end i hope you enjoyed my Story the easy thing was Writting it because it was really fun the hard thing was Trying to find a Awesome picture And i dont have a next step if you would like to see the site i got the picture it is called http://www.pobble365.com/ and you can find a picture for your birthday or you can just pick a ramdom Picture i hope you enjoy it Blog you later
The end i hope you enjoyed my Story the easy thing was Writting it because it was really fun the hard thing was Trying to find a Awesome picture And i dont have a next step if you would like to see the site i got the picture it is called http://www.pobble365.com/ and you can find a picture for your birthday or you can just pick a ramdom Picture i hope you enjoy it Blog you later
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
My Te Reo Selfie
Thisis my Te Reo Selfie that we have been doing in class for the last 2-3 weeks and it was pretty fun to do but hard because i cant speak in moari that good so i ope yous enjoy Blog you later Bye
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Drug and Alcohol Education - Beer goggles
Last Week in Class we Carried on with our Drug and Alcohol Lessons So that when we get older we wont be into Drugs and Alcohol For this lesson we had the Chance to use Beer goggles So it will make your Vision Blury and these are a few people who did it are on the video It was Half easy and Half Challenging But it was very enjoying and everyone else did to so what we had to do was First walk with no goggles and see what our time was then we had to do it with the goggles and we had to try bet our First time the easy thing was to do it without the glasses and the hard thing was doing it with the glasses My Next step is to do it under 1min 20sec for the time i do it
Monday, 27 August 2018
Maths Eyes
Friday, 24 August 2018
My Kawakawa Pamphlet
My Pepha
Tuhia ki te Rangi
Tuhia ki te Whenua
Tuhia ki te Ngakua o te Tangata
Ko te mea nui
Ko te Aroha
Tihei wa Mauri ora
Ko Ruapekapeka tōku maunga
Ko Taumarere tōku awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua tōku waka
Ko Nukutawhiti toku kaihautu.
Ko Ngapuhi tōku iwi
Ko Ngati hine tōku hapu
Ko Rahiri Raua Ko Hineamaru Oku Whare Tupuna
Ko Tumanako tōku marae
Ko Steven tōku Pāpā
Ko Marissa tōku māmā
Ko Pikiora raua Ko Anaya tōku tuakana
Ko Learah tōku teina
Ko Karlin raua Ko Pone toku tungane
Ko Tahlya tōku ingoa
This is My Pepha We Did yesterday what we had to do was Add the Captain of our Waka and our Tupuna so you wilk see that i added those in so thats what i had to do Yesterday Blog you latter
Maths Eyes week 5
Friday, 17 August 2018
Rm 5 + 6 carpool karaoke 2018
This Week Room 5&6 ad our assembly and This week one of our Items The song that my group Choose was The Fresh Price of Be-lair The easy thing was to pick out the song the hard was to get the Right moves and Remember them Too Please comment And enjoy and Watch out for our Song Blog you Latter
Rm 5 + 6 carpool karaoke 2018
This Week Room 5&6 ad our assembly and This week one of our Items The song that my group Choose was The Fresh Price of Belair Please comment And enjoy and Watch out for our Song Blog you Latter
Friday, 10 August 2018
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
My Student Conffrence
This is my Student Conffrence That we did to show our Parents Last week so we did and it went really well the easy thing was getting all the evadince the hard thing was trying to think of the goals But it was really easy Bye till next time Blog you latter
Monday, 30 July 2018
Te Reo Maori
In my class this week we are carrying it on from last term i hope you get to learn maori to it's really easy E aha ana _____________? E _____________ ana ____________
What are _______ doing? verb
The things you say are are on the slide the easy think was saying it and there was no ard think hope you like this Blog Post Blog you latter
Friday, 27 July 2018
Shark Fact File
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Friday, 29 June 2018
My Waitangi Experience
In week 7 the year 7s inclueding me went to waitangi to learn about the treaty and everything else there i think next week i will be pulishing another thing that we made on VR ( Virtual Reality ) and a website called tinkercad i cant wait for all you guys to see it so have a read of my latest blog post i hope you enjoy
Friday, 22 June 2018
My Narritive Writing
Hi everyone its Tahlya again and in my class we have been doing Narritive Writting and we had 4 pictures and this one is mine i hope you like it BYE till next time
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Monday, 11 June 2018
My World Record
This is my world record that we did with a school kit for kids My world Record was Most jumps on your right foot in 30 seconds we also did a human benchmark and then we had to go with 2 more people Payton.Tunisia so i hope you enjoy this Bye till next time BYE!!!!!!
Friday, 8 June 2018
What Are We Doing To Our World?
This is my class video about what are we doing to our world we did it on a green sceen for our weekely assembaly we have been focusing on rubbish sience the begining of the term and this is what we came up with i hope you enjoy our class video plz comment on our class site the http://kpsroom5and6.blogspot.com/ plz comment on my blog too bye till next time everyone
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
My Bullying Poster
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Week 2: How Rubbish affects our Waterways ,Wildlife and Land
I hope you enjoy Please comment
Monday, 21 May 2018
Friday, 18 May 2018
Thursday, 10 May 2018
This is my Maths for this week it was about Rubbish and the 2 main people were Hone & Mane and in the problems they pick up all the Rubbish and make it in to meter and i hope you like it plz comment and see you next time everyone
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
At school today we did maths in room 6 with miss Henare we were doing the Place Value with Hundreds,Tens and Ones I hope you like it please comment bye for next time everyone
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Lollies Lollies Lollies
this is my blogpost about a maths problem called lollies lollies lollies this is the maths problem the easy thing was not very much the hard thing was a lot of it my next step is to make it bigger but this time its just going to be small i also worked on it wit my friend payton if you would like to check out her blog her address is http://kpspaytonm.blogspot.co.nz/ and guy thats it for now bye
Monday, 26 March 2018
Friday, 16 March 2018
1 Regular Exercise
7 Improves ability to deliver oxygen to cells
5 Strengthens heart muscles
4 Beats Faster ,Breathe Harder
2 For extended periods of time
3 During aerobic exercise
6 Devolves endurance
Everyday you should Regularly Exercise outdoors it will make you fit and last for extended periods of time , during aerobic Exercise well you do you heart beats Faster and you breathe harder while you work on a workout it also strengthens your heart muscles and Develops endurance and Improves your ability to deliver oxygen into your cells
This is my Exercise Writing the easy thing was every thing the hard thing was nothing either so it was very easy this time BYE for now
Friday, 9 March 2018
This is my shark fact file me and my class did it last week
the point was to know a little bit about them the hard thing
was to get all the question in the right order because my teacher
kept rubbing them off the board the easy thing was actually
most of it. My next step is to make it bigger and not just 6
question but to do 8 instead. See you guys later bye for now.
the point was to know a little bit about them the hard thing
was to get all the question in the right order because my teacher
kept rubbing them off the board the easy thing was actually
most of it. My next step is to make it bigger and not just 6
question but to do 8 instead. See you guys later bye for now.
Facts into paragraphs- Sharks
In all, oceans except for the arctictartic we're it is too cold for sharks . Sharks don't like the cold much at all there are also 250 different species of Sharks but there is only 30 sharks that kill humans .Some of them also still look the same as they live 160 Million years ago .They are identified by their dorsal fin, two rows of teeth ,their large black eyes and their sleek shape. Sharks are almost any size from 15centemerers to 15 meters . The Shark almost eats any animal it can find in the water including its own species .It's has great eyesight in the water too and amazing smell in the water .
Friday, 2 March 2018
My 3rs at school ( Respect,Responsible,Resilience)
Friday, 16 February 2018
My Pepha
This is my toku pepha i hope you enjoy
Ko ruapekapeka tōku maunga
Ko taumarere tōku awa
Ko ngatukmatawhaoruatōku waka
Kotumanako tōku marae
Ko ngati hinetōku hapu
Ngapuhi tōku iwi
Ko steven tōku Pāpā
Ko Marissa tōku māmā
Ko pikiora and anaya tōku tuakana
Ko learah tōku teina
Ko tōku tuahine/tungāne ( sibling of the opposite gender)
Ko tahlya tōku ingoa
Friday, 9 February 2018
My I am Poem
This is my i am poem today we my class room 6 and 5 did these i hope you
enjoy it . the easy thing was the writing and the hard thing was trying to think
of all the things to say my next step is make a video about it.
I Am Poem
I am Tahlya
I am helpful and kind
I wonder if i will ever see my step dad again
I hear my name in the wind
I see my future
I want to be a super star
I am Tahlya
I pretend that I am batman
I feel like i have powers
I touch my family's heart
I worry about my family when they are sick
I cry about my brother passing away
I am Tahlya
I understand that the closest people to me can pass away
I say that everyone can good great in anything
I dream to see my family that passed away
I try to always be good
I hope that i have a great future
I am Tahlya
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